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Larry McCullough

Larry McCullough
Lesson Plan
Physical Education
Berryville Lesson Plan High SchoolTeacher Name: L. McCullough Grade Level and Content: 9-12 Physical EducationTimeline of Lesson Plan: Start Date:8-17-15 End Date: 8-28-15Non Literacy and Math teachers be sure to include your content literacy CCSS hrf2pe fitness journal cc 19-102c spell correctlyEnduring Understandings and Essential QuestionsEnduring Understandings for Content or Grade Level Essential and Guiding Questions for Content or Grade Level Complete the presidential fitness exams as a pre testWhat are the components of presidential exam?What exam test flexibility?What exam tests endurance?How many sit ups should you do in one minute?Assessment EvidenceType and ToolsSit and reach box to assess flexibilityMats to complete sit upsTrack to complete 1 mile run/walkBlocks of wood for shuttle runBmi wheel for body mass indexLearning Activities: DayCommon Core State Standard/AR FrameworkInstructional PlanResources DOK LevelMondayPresidential fitness exam Mile run/walkBellringer : How many laps on are you going to get before you walk/run a mile?Track/stop 1watchTuesdayPresidential fitness exam sit and reachBell ringer :According to the chart how many sit ups should you be able to do?Gym/mat/stop watch4WednesdayPresidential fitness exam Pull upsBell ringer : describe the correct pull up?Pull up bar2ThursdayPresidential fitness exam shuttle runBell ringer :What is the shuttle run accessing?Gym/blocks of wood4FridayPresidential fitness exam body mass/standing long jumpBell ringer: What does B.M.I. stand for?Tape for measuring bmi wheel2Differentiated Instruction: Be sure to include Special needs, 504, ESL, and GTSn.esl,more time to complete assignments, buddy system, etc.Gt special research projects.
Environmental Science